China made socio-economic improvements by investing in social sectors such as health, education, environmental management, sanitation and sustainability. According to the Réseau Espérance de Vie en Santé (REVES), the international network on health expectancy and the process of disability, healthy life expectancy, sometimes referred to as health expectancy, is a general term that refers to “all kinds of indicators expressed in terms of life expectancy in a given state of health”. With the exceptions of sex, ethnicity, education and the main occupation for life, all the measures included in the models were covariates that varied over time. Low-risk lifestyle factors were similarly associated with a lower risk of cause-specific mortality in women and men (Figure II of the data supplement available online only).
The increase in years of life expectancy (95% confidence intervals) and their percentages associated with adequate access, compared to systems without defined populations, should investigate the feasibility of grouping your data regionally through health information exchange technology infrastructure in order to create population denominators for mortality data in order to calculate HLE for the regional health system. Although health insurers have a defined population, those that are not connected to health service delivery systems often have limited information about their members' claims. However, it is largely unknown how many years of life can be gained or lost due to differences in access to health care among older adults in China. Almost all HLE estimates are based on cross-sectional data, but they are interpreted as expectations of a future HLE cohort, assuming current rates of mortality and good health.
Table 2 presents the life expectancies associated with adequate and inadequate access to health care by age for men and women. Life expectancy is used as a dependent variable, while health spending, GDP per capita, population growth and renewable energy are independent variables. Less attention has been paid to exploring the relationship between life expectancy and renewable energy in literature. Focusing more on health outcome measures could help redistribute health care spending to the broader social and environmental determinants of health, which, as McGinnis, Williams-Russo, and Knickman pointed out, are more influential determinants of population health than health care (200).
Therefore, the government must allocate sufficient funds to the health sector to achieve a higher life expectancy in the country. In addition, the government should also provide incentives for the consumption and production of renewable energy, which could help achieve the goal of sustainable development and life expectancy.